List of homeopathic preparations
The following substances are commonly used in homeopathy today.Homeopathic name | Substance | Common name | Claimed homeopathic use | Homeopathic potency |
Aconite[1][2] | Aconitum napellus | Monkshood, Monk's Blood, Fuzi, Wolf's Bane | shock, influenza and fevers | 6c, 30c, 200c |
Aesculus hippocastanum[1] | Aesculus hippocastanum | Horse-chestnut | haemorrhoids and varicose veins[3] | tincture as ointment, 3c, 6c |
Anthracinum, Anthracinum bovum, Anthracinum suum [4] | Anthrax poison extracted from the spleen of affected sheep | All types of furuncles (like Acne[4], carbuncles, malignant pustules), septic wounds, grangrenous degenerations,[5] anthrax poisoning,[6][7] | 6X 30X [8] | |
Allium cepa[1][9][10] | Onion | itching eyes, lachrymation, allergies, hayfever | 3x to 30c | |
Antimonium Arsenicate | Skin conditions, Minor lethargy | All potencies 6c to CM | ||
Antimonium tartaricum[9] | Antimony tartrate | Impetigo | 6c to 200c | |
Argentum nitricum[9] | Silver nitrate | Fear, anticipation, apprehension, nervous excitement, exam nerves | 6c to 200c | |
Arnica[2][11] | Arnica montana | Leopard's bane | shock and bruising | all potencies 6c to CM |
Arsenicum album[11] | Arsenic trioxide | White arsenic | colds/flu, diarrhoea, food poisoning | all potencies 6c to CM |
Baptisia[1] | Baptisia tinctoria | Wild Indigo; horseflyweed | fevers | all potencies 6c to CM |
Belladonna[1][2][11] | Atropa belladonna | Deadly nightshade | high fevers with redness & delirium | all potencies 6c to CM |
Bellis perennis[1] | Bellis perennis | Common Daisy | healing of cuts and wounds | 6c to 200c |
Bryonia[11] | Bryonia alba | White bryony | fevers, joint pains, coughs and pleurisy | all potencies 6c to CM |
Calcarea carbonica[9] | Oyster shell | Calcium carbonate | Indigestion, Acidity | all potencies 6c to CM |
Calendula[1] | Calendula officinalis | Marigold | healing of wounds | tincture, 3c, 6c |
Chamomilla[11] | Matricaria chamomilla | German Chamomile | teething in infants | 3c, 6c, 30c |
Camphor [12] | Cinnamomum camphora | Cholera (used by Hahnemann on a 1831 cholera outbreak on Central Europe, and by Dr. Quin in 1854 London's epidemic ) | ||
Colocynthis[1] | Citrullus colocynthis | Squirting cucumber | Diarrhoea | 6c to 200c |
Cuprum metallicum[9] | Copper | Cholera, diarrhoea, griping in the guts | 6c to 200c | |
Digitalis[1] | Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove | Heart conditions, angina | 6c to 30c |
Drosera[1][2] | Drosera rotundifolia | Sundew | a cough remedy | 6c, 30c |
Dulcamara[1] | Solanum dulcamara | Woody nightshade | wide range of chronic ailments | all potencies 6c to CM |
Ferrum phosphoricum[11] | Iron phosphate | Ferr phos | haemorrhages and nosebleeds | 3x, 6x, 6c, 30c |
Gelsemium [11] | Gelsemium sempervirens | Yellow jasmine | joint pains and fevers | all potencies 6c to CM |
Glonoinum[9] | Nitroglycerine | Facial neuralgias | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Graphites[9] | Graphite | Itching cracked skin, eczema, psoriasis | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Hamamelis[1] | Hamamelis viginiana | Witch-hazel | haemorrhoids, varicose veins | tincture and low potencies 3x, 3c, 6c |
Hepar sulfuris calcareum[11] | Calcium sulfide | Hepar sulf | wide range of chronic ailments, boils, abscesses | all potencies 6c to CM |
Ignatia amara[2][11] | Strychnos ignatii | St. Ignatius Bean | recovery from grief[13] | all potencies 6c to CM |
Kalium bichromicum[14][15] | Potassium dichromate | used in HeadOn | thick secretions from the mucous membranes of the sinuses and respiratory tract[14][15] | all potencies 6c to CM |
Lachesis[1][16] | Lachesis muta | Bushmaster snake | wide range of uses | all potencies 6c to CM |
Ledum[1] | Ledum palustre | Marsh Tea | bites, stings, punctured wounds | all potencies 6c to CM |
Lycopodium[1] | Lycopodium clavatum | Wolf's foot, clubmoss | wide range of chronic use | all potencies 6c to CM |
Mercurius vivus[11] | Mercury (element) | wide range of chronic ailments | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Natrum muriaticum[9] | Sodium chloride | Natrum mur; table salt | varied chronic uses; irritable, touchy, dislikes consolation | 6c to 10M |
Natrum sulphuricum[9] | Sodium sulphate | Natrum sulph | asthma, headaches, worse for damp, warts | 6c to 10M |
Nux vomica[2][11] | Strychnos nux-vomica | Strychnine tree | nausea, hangovers, substance abuse & chronic ailments | all potencies 6c to CM |
Oscillococcinum[17] | Cairina moschata liver | Muscovy duck liver | colds/flu; (rarely used outside France and US; not notable) | generally 30c, 200c |
Petroleum[9] | Crude oil | Skin affections, eczema, psoriasis | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Phosphorus[11] | Phosphorus | Phos | wide range of chronic ailments | all potencies 6c to CM |
Picricum acidum[9] | Picric acid | Picric acid | Water retention, Confusion | tincture to 200c |
Pulsatilla[2][11] | Pasque flower | Wind flower | various childhood, menstrual and chronic ailments | all potencies 6c to CM |
Rhus toxicodendron[11] | Toxicodendron radicans | Poison ivy | joint pains and fevers | all potencies 6c to CM |
Ruta[14][15] | Ruta graveolens | Rue | trauma or sprain of the ligaments; conditions involving the tendons, fibrous tissue, or periosteum; joint stiffness, eye strain[14] | 4x to CM |
Sepia[9] | Cuttlefish ink | many female problems | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Silicea[9] | Flint | Various chronic conditions, sensitivity to cold | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Sulphur[11] | Sulfur | chronic ailments, skin complaints, general debility | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Thea Sinensis / Camellia Sinensis[18][19] | leafs of tea plant | neurologics (insomny, nightmares), digestives (dyspepsia caused by drinking tea often) | 5C to 15C | |
Thuja[1][9] | Thuja occidentalis | warts & chronic conditions | all potencies 6c to CM | |
Urtica urens[1] | Stinging Nettle | Bites and stings | mostly 3c, 6c, 30c |
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